
What I do?

I’m Mustafa Qamar-ud-Din, the founder of mQuBits for Research & Development. The 1st Quantum Computing Research Lab. in The Middle East & Africa Converting Academic Research To Industrial Solutions. Our office is located at G223 in the GrEEK Campus.

Who am I?

My name is Mustafa Mahrous and as a friend you may call me Qamar-ud-Din, a PHP developer based in Cairo, Egypt.

I started writing my first script for the web when I was at school. I benefited a lot from the online learning experience provided by W3Schools. It was simple enough to teach yourself the basics without a teacher. Then, I was very enthusiastic to learn JavaScript further. I bought  a book – JavaScript The Complete Reference. I remember how exciting it was to develop my first browser based 2D game.

Along the way, I couldn’t resist learning ActionScript which was at that time a robust tool for writing interactive 2D animations for the web. I recall that Flash 8 ActionScript Bible was a vivid source.

However, it started getting serious when I got my first book on server side scripting – Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 with C#. I was so excited when I built my first dynamic web application – a fictitious  real estate e-commerce. I keep the source code on Github as a remainder of the good old days. While I couldn’t afford hosting it online back then, I found free PHP web hosting almost everywhere on the web.

I was destined to enjoy another e-learning experience by Lynda – PHP with MySQL Essential Training. It was so good that I quickly moved to the next tutorials in the series – PHP with MySQL Beyond the Basics. I started writing a few web applications for friends and got my hands dirty with code. My entry to professional web development was not so long afterwards. I was supervised by a Swedish HVAC mechanical engineer to build a web application for selecting fans and motors – FlaktEsac.

My life began as an Alieonic at Nilecode in February 2012. Being in such a fast growing environment exposed me to a variety of emerging frameworks and technologies. Moreover, I’ve been learning a lot from my co-workers, discussions, sessions, and exhibitions. I also had a chance to meet entrepreneurs and startups’ founders. Together with my co-workers, we built many web applications based on either B2C or B2B model.

Along the way I’ve experienced many different web frameworks and server optimization techniques. We wrote web applications according to W3C standards with cross-browser compatibility in mind. It’s necessary to have a good grasp of the development in the software industry. That’s why I am passionate about researching new sciences and technologies.

I became competent in the following programming languages and software packages;

HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, ActionScript, jQuery, AJAX, and mySQL

Netbeans IDE, Photoshop, and Flash

Server-side Software:
Ubuntu, Apache, NGINX, PHP-FPM, Varnish, Memcached and PHPMyAdmin

PHP Frameworks:
Drupal, WordPress, FuelPHP, OpenCart, Phalcon, CakePHP, and Symfony

Project Management Tools:
Trello, Basecamp, Redmine

I’ve always been passionate about learning languages and getting introduced to different cultures and life styles. When I was 19 years old, I worked as a tour leader. This got me exposed to a variety of mindsets and personalities. I also had a rich experience practicing English, German, Korean and even some Spanish. However, learning a language is an everyday journey rather than a fixed point in time. Hence, I’d need a few months to recover my language skills.

For more details on the types of projects I have been involved in or if you would like to discuss a new project, then please get in touch using the contact page. If you would like to see some examples of the websites I have built or some sample code I have written please head over to Github.

You may also check my curriculum vitae at https://goo.gl/sOLRVl .

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